Introducing EcumenAbility© (Guest Post by @hentricht)
— Disability & Faith (@DisabilityFaith) May 23, 2019

“Abgestempelt”. Religion and People with Disabilities in the Ancient Near East. Saarbrücken: SVH-Verlag, 2013.

Die Kritik Hoseas an der kanaanäischen Religion. Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Analyse. Ph. D. Diss. Université de Montréal, 1999,
Published as: "Und ihre Namen sollen nie wieder erwähnt werden" (Hos 2,19). Hoseas Kultkritik im Spiegel der Redaktionsgeschichte, Saarbrücken: SVH-Verlag, 2013.
French summary published in Revue d’Études des Civilisations Anciennes du Proche-Orient 10, 2000, 37-41.
Excerpts published as:
“Ugaritic Texts as Interpretation Model for Old Testament Texts”, RÉCAPO 12, 2005, 5-8.
“Hosea 2,19: What’s in a God’s Name?”, Theoforum 35, 2004, 5-20.
“Qui était Gomer, ēšèt zenûnîm (Os 1,2s.)”, Science et Esprit55/1, 2003, 5-22.
“The Fertility Pair Ba’al and ‘Anat in the Ugaritic Texts”, Michel Fortin (ed.),Recherches canadiennes sur la Syrie.Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 36, Québec: Musée de la Civilisation, 2001, 115-122.
Articles and contributions:
“People with Disabilities in the Church: A Need for an Ecumenical Approach”, Ecumenism 194/195, 2015, 33-35.
“The Forgiveness of Sins as Healing Method in the NewTestament”, Rupert Breitwieser (ed.), Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen / Disability and Impairment in Antiquity, Studies in Early Medicine 2 = British Archaeological Reports S2359, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012, 111-117.
“Disability in Ancient Israel: The ‘Lame’ (פסח/נכה) in 2 Samuel”.
“Masculinity and Disability in the Bible”, Hector Avalos – Sarah J. Melcher – Jeremy Schipper (eds.), This Abled Body. Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies, Semeia Studies, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2007, 73-87.
“Being disabled in the ancient Near East. A brief compilation from Mesopotamia to Qumran”, RÉCAPO 13, 2007, 29-35.
“The Purity Laws as a Source for Conflict in the Old and New Testament”, Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 30/31, 2004/05, 5-21.
“The ‘Lame’ in Lev 21, 17-23 and 2 Sam 5, 6-8”, AJBI 29, 2003, 5-30.
“Le serpent d’airain”,
“L’immortalité de l’homme et de la femme au paradis. Une recherche sur Gn 3”, Recueil de travaux de l’Association des Études du Proche-Orient Ancien 5, 1996, 31-40.

Book Reviews:
"Edgar Kellenberger, Der Schutz der Einfältigen: Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung in der Bibel und in weiteren Quellen, Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2011“, Review of Biblical Literature,, 2016.
“Amos Yong, The Bible, Disability, and the Church. A New Vision of the People of God, Grand Rapids, MI – Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2011”, Theoforum 44, 2013, 377-381. (French version)
"Dieter Vieweger, Streit um das Heilige Land. Was jeder vom israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt wissen sollte, Gütersloh (Gütersloher Verlagshaus) 2010".
“Bernhard Lang, JAHWE, der biblische Gott. Ein Porträt, Munich: C. F. Beck, 2002“.
“Mark S. Smith, Untold Stories: The Bible and Ugaritic Studies in the Twentieth Century, Peabody/MA, Hendrickson Publishers, 2001”, RÉCAPO 13, 2007, 72.
“Judith M. Hadley, The Cult of Asherah in Israel and Judah, Cambridge – New York, 2000”, ScEsp 54/1, 2002, 120-121.
Acted as external reviewer for Editions Médiaspaul, Montreal, and the journal Science et Esprit.
Martin Bauschke, Judentum – Christentum – Islam. Der Trialog der abrahamischen Religionen (to be published at MNH Edition).
Michael N. Ebertz, “Le stigmate du mouvement charismatique autour de Jésus de Nazareth”, Social Compass 39, 1992, 255-273 (in cooperation with Prof. Jean Duhaime).
Odo Casel, Älteste christliche Kunst und Christusmysterium

"The Reformation and People with Disabilities" (International Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, Berlin, Germany, August 2017)
“‘EcumenAbility’: Six Principles of Inclusion in Ecumenism” (Living Fully 2016 Conference, Rome, Italy, June 2016)
"Disability in Christianity: An Ecumenical Issue" (International Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2015)
“The Forgiveness of Sins as Healing Method in the New Testament” (International Conference ‘Disablement in the Ancient World’, Salzburg, Austria, October 2008)
“Being disabled in the Ancient Near East: A Comparison of three different approaches.” (Annual colloquium of the SNES, Montreal, April 2006)
“Masculinity and Disability in the Bible” (Annual Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA, November 2005)
"The Purity Laws as a Source for Conflict in the Old and New Testament” (19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religion, Tokyo, Japan, March 2005)
“Seit wann werden Behinderte als unrein angesehen? Eine Analyse von Levitikus 21, 17-23” (24th meeting of the Arbeitskreis Alte Medizin, Mainz, Germany, June 2004; English version presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX, November 2004)
“Disabilities in Ancient Israel: ‘The Lame and the Blind’” (1st European meeting of the Society for Ancient Medicine, Birmingham, UK, June 2004)
“Disability in Ancient Israel: The role of the “Lame and Blind” during David’s capture of Jerusalem” (214th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, San Diego, CA, March 2004)
“The character of the ‘Lame’ in the Old Testament. Three case studies in Lev and 2 Sam” (Meetings of the Society for Christian Studies, Kyoto, Japan, December 2003 and the Japanese Biblical Institute, Tokyo, Japan, January 2004)
“Who was Gomer, the ‘ešèt zenûnîm (Hos 1,2)?” (213th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Nashville, TN, April 2003)
“Ugaritic Texts as Interpretation Model for Old Testament Texts” (Annual colloquium of the SNES, Montreal, April 2002)
“Hosea 2,19: What’s in a God’s Name” (212th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Houston, TX, March 2002)
“Die Kritik Hoseas an der kanaanäischen Religion. Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Analyse“ (Meeting of the Society for Christian Studies, Kyoto, July 2001)
“The Fertility Pair Ba’al and ‘Anat in the Ugaritic Texts” (Annual colloquium of the CSMS, Québec City, September 2000)
“Qui était Gomer, ēšèt zenûnîm (Os 1,2s.)” (Annual ACÉBAC-Congress, Richelieu, QC, May 2000).
“L’immortalité de l’homme et de la femme au paradis. Une recherche sur Gn 3” (Annual colloquium of the SNES, Montreal, April 1996)
“La prohibition des images comme origine de l’élimination des images féminines de Dieu” (Religious Studies section of the 61st Congress of the Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, Rimouski, Qc, May 1993)